About YBE
YBE started off as a celebration and a secret weapon for Young Black Entrepreneurs. It was a group of ambitious visionaries who were leading successful, dynamic businesses that wanted to share their wealth and knowledge to other entrepreneurs.
The goal in 2020, provide all the information and know-how that got us this far to others.
Our program consisted of 5 modules; we jam packed them with information on how to start a business, find clients, get funding, market, and thrive. Was we grew we found that different businesses needed customized help. We quickly realized that one-size-fits-alls was not a real thing. We immediately pivoted to fit the needs of our members. Three years later here we are, looking to help the next batch of entrepreneur succeed.
He now employ a handful of Marketers, Web Designers, VCs, coaches and mentors, here at your disposal. Joining YBE has been my best decision, now lets make your reality a dream come true for you.